Showing posts with label street style. Show all posts
Showing posts with label street style. Show all posts

Monday, 18 February 2013

LFW Street Style

He was simply just good looking and super slick (matching tie and socks
thumbs up)

I'm usually not a fan of sequins but this looked somewhat understated.
And I loved the lizard necklace

Completely reminded me of Mickey Mouse. I want sunglasses like this.

I don't care that this is mens. If I could wear it I definitely would.

How could I not take a photo of him. The fact net tops it off. Just fantastic.

Layering when done well looks great. And I like hers.

London Street Style Jan - Feb 2013

I loved his outfit and how cool they both looked. If she had been wearing
brown and blue too it would've been like an advert for The Kooples.

However often the world 'simple' is used I'm going to use is AGAIN. I do just
love how simple her style is, if you can do it well and she can.

Double, triple, quadruple denim. WHY NOT!