Showing posts with label magazine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label magazine. Show all posts

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

It's been a long time...

So it's happened again - I have let blogging slip. But in the last few months I have finished university and my final ever university project (whilst having both tonsillitis and glandular fever at the same time) and managed despite this to graduate with a 2:1. Not only this, I have moved into my own little flat with my boyfriend and attempted to relax a bit whilst madly applying and searching for a job. And apart from getting tonsillitis AGAIN, I have a little job to earn me some pennies and thought it was time to start writing again, blogging about the things I like, things I see and everything in between.

So here's some pictures of what I've been up to recently.

Layout for my Final Major Project magazine

Layout for my Final Major Project magazine

Layout for my Final Major Project magazine

Our cute little dining area

Holidaying in Trinidad and Tobago

Holidaying in Trinidad and Tobago

Holidaying in Trinidad and Tobago

Holidaying in Trinidad and Tobago

6 month anniversary

We devoured all the seafood

Graduation Day

Barn on the Farm Festival

Barn on the Farm Festival

Enjoying the sun

Officially a graduate!