Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Honey I'm Home

Lush is the shop you can smell from metres away. The fresh and beautiful scents floating through the air. You will literally stop what you're doing and say "That smells so good" and look around to see, yes, it is Lush, of course.

Now, I don't often go in there, not because it's not fantastic but because I would end up spending way too much money. And thus spending all my time in pink or blue coloured bath water stinking out my flat and having constant wrinkly fingers and toes. Even though right now that doesn't sound awful. But today, I hadn't been in there for ages and it just smelt too darn good to walk past and not have a look. But before I walked in I knew exactly what I was buying.


aka the best smelling soap there is. I believe it was actually the first ever product I bought from Lush. Unlike a jar of honey which can sting your eyes with the sweetness, this soap is super sweet yet super subtle. All I want to do is sit with my nose glued to a bar of soap. Which in public isn't really socially acceptable. So the next time you're in the Lush vicinity you have to go in and have a sniff. You'll regret it if you don't.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

It's been a long time...

So it's happened again - I have let blogging slip. But in the last few months I have finished university and my final ever university project (whilst having both tonsillitis and glandular fever at the same time) and managed despite this to graduate with a 2:1. Not only this, I have moved into my own little flat with my boyfriend and attempted to relax a bit whilst madly applying and searching for a job. And apart from getting tonsillitis AGAIN, I have a little job to earn me some pennies and thought it was time to start writing again, blogging about the things I like, things I see and everything in between.

So here's some pictures of what I've been up to recently.

Layout for my Final Major Project magazine

Layout for my Final Major Project magazine

Layout for my Final Major Project magazine

Our cute little dining area

Holidaying in Trinidad and Tobago

Holidaying in Trinidad and Tobago

Holidaying in Trinidad and Tobago

Holidaying in Trinidad and Tobago

6 month anniversary

We devoured all the seafood

Graduation Day

Barn on the Farm Festival

Barn on the Farm Festival

Enjoying the sun

Officially a graduate! 

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

More Kit Please

Any lover of Game of Thrones will be happy to see more of Kit Harington (well, unless you don't fancy Jon Snow, in which case, you don't need to keep reading)

"You know nothin' Jon Snooooo"
Well he knows something, and that's how to be rugged and devishly handsome with a gruff northern accent. So I was very happy to see him teamed with Lara Stone in an editorial named A Fine Romance, in American Vogue. And it doesn't fail to disappoint.

Images from

Friday, 7 February 2014

New Favourite Shop: The White Pepper

So complete with dissertation woes and being the prompt for a recent panto I have let blogging slip a bit. Tut tut. BUT now I feel somewhat back to normal, although I know I'll be a ball of stress when it comes to the end of my final major project, I will begin to blog more. I do enjoy it but other things always seem to be higher on my to-do list.

Today however, I will introduce you to a new found clothing store. Whilst researching for my latest (and final, HURRAH) university project I came across The White Pepper, a cutesty little brand and I feel soon I shall have to spoil myself and buy one of their beautiful dresses.

Two of my favourite kinds are their Back Open Midi Dress and their Shirt Dress. All £65, it's not an everyday spend but they're so lovely that I'd be willing to part with that much.

As you may well be able to tell I am a lover of florals and polka dots. If you're not polka dotted out their swing coats in coral and navy are so so lovely I feel like I'd need to wear flowers in my hair and spin around constantly.


And one last little duo product to mention. I am loving twin sets at the moment. Twin sets usually referred to a top and cardigan combo, yet these types of twin sets are much more updated than our grannies would've been wearing. I think if you're brave enough to pull off a twin printed combo, even a printed suit trouser combo then go for it. Plus another great thing is being able to wear them together yet separately with other styling choices.This one, £80, is a cropped top and midi skirt in the same print as the pink floral shirt dress above.